Offering years of experience in customs and international trade law and a deep understanding of global supply chains

The Suarez Firm helps clients take the risk out of international commerce. After a dramatic shift in U.S. trade policy, importers have felt the pain of extra tariffs and uncertainty in their international business. The Suarez Firm helps clients understand what to expect next and to adjust their business transactions to minimize costs and mitigate the risk of penalties or other enforcement actions by customs authorities.

Does Trade Facilitation Matter in the Fight against Corruption?

This post originally appeared on Richard Bistrong’s blog on August 3, 2015. View the original article here. The World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) may seem to be an odd topic for an anti-corruption blog but it is not. It has everything to do with good…

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Evelyn Suarez Named As President-Elect for WIIT

On June 18, Evelyn Suarez was named President-Elect of The Association of Women in International Trade (WIIT) for the 2015-16 term. The President-Elect becomes President after one year. A full list of the Board Members and Officers of is available here on the WIIT website.

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IBA Article: US-Africa trade: time for a rethink

Evelyn Suarez was heavily quoted in a recent article posted on the International Bar Association website entitled “US-Africa trade: time for a rethink.” Excerpts from the article appear below, for the full text please visit the IBA website.The value of US trade with Africa…

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Presentation on FCPA at the AAPA Seminar in New Orleans

Evelyn Suarez addressed a group of maritime lawyers at the AAPA Port Administration and Legal Issues Seminar in New Orleans, Louisiana on April 9, 2015. The presentation, which she delivered with Jim Barratt of Forensic Risk Alliance, was on “What Maritime Lawyers Need To Know About FCPA and Other…

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CBP Vessel Repair Process Improvement

U.S.-flag vessel owners and operators are subject to a 50% ad valorem duty for vessel repairs made in foreign shipyards.  Claims for relief that are not adequately presented or documented will be denied relief and assessed the onerous duties.  It is therefore important to adopt processes for the…

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