Steel Exclusion Requests

Who can file?
Only individuals or organizations operating in the United States that use steel products (e.g., flat, long, semi-finished, pipe and tube, and stainless) in business activities (e.g., construction, manufacturing, supplying steel products to users) in the United States may submit an Exclusion Request.

Reasons for exclusions:

  1. Product is not produced in the United States in;
    1. a sufficient and reasonably available amount or
    2. a satisfactory quality
  2. Product needed to support a specific U.S. national security requirement (e.g, critical infrastructure or national defense systems)

Requirements: must contain information on

  1. Single type of steel product it requires using a 10-digit HTSUS code, including its specific dimension. A separate Exclusion request must be submitted on each distinct type and dimension of steel product to be imported.
  2. The quantity of product requirement (stated in kilograms) under a one-year exclusion
  3. A full description of the properties of the steel product it seeks to import, including chemical composition, dimensions, strength, toughness, ductility, magnetic permeability, surface finish, coatings, and other relevant data

Reasons for rejection

  1. Does not sufficiently address the specified reporting requirements
  2. Cites the improper HTSUS code
  3. Provides incorrect product descriptions

Where filed: Upload request to under Docket Number BIS-2018-0006

When:  Any time

Processing time: Approximately 90 days

Notifications: Posted on

For further information contact: or by phone at 202.482.5642

Questions: Given the fluid situation as to coverage and exclusions, you may have questions regarding the announced steel and aluminum tariffs.  Should you have any questions, please contact Evelyn Suarez at or 202.552.0310.

For the full post on the steel and aluminum tariffs, please see:

Steel and Aluminum Tariffs