U.S. Automotive Industry Needs Free Trade – Discussion

I am honored to be included in the upcoming discussion “U.S. Automotive Industry Needs Free Trade” at Heritage Foundation on October 23, 2018.

You can now view the full talk and discussion:







U.S. Automotive Industry Needs Free Trade

Featuring Keynote Remarks by
The Honorable Rob Portman (R-OH)
United States Senate

Followed by a Discussion with
Ann Wilson
Senior Vice President, Government Affairs, Motor Equipment Manufacturers Association

John Bozzella
President and Chief Executive Officer, Association of Global Automakers

Evelyn Suarez
President, The Suarez Firm

Hosted by
Ambassador Terry Miller
Director, Center for International Trade and Economics,
Mark A. Kolokotrones Fellow in Economic Freedom, The Heritage Foundation

From large automakers to small town suppliers, free trade is crucial to the success of the American automotive industry. Imports of intermediate goods help these manufacturers produce more efficiently and free trade agreements facilitate their ability to sell cars around the world. Today, opposing forces are impacting the freedom of automakers and their suppliers to do business in America. Tax reform and deregulation have been a huge boon for the industry, but growing restrictions on trade risk counteracting those benefits. The American automotive industry is impacted by tariffs on steel and aluminum, a primary intermediate good in their production process, potential tariffs on automobiles and parts, as well as the proposed changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Join us for a discussion on the importance of trade for the American automotive industry and the impact current trade policies have on their ability to do business.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
The Heritage Foundation’s Douglas and Sarah Allison Auditorium

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